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From cloudy to golden autumn: tips against the autumn blues

In autumn you can literally twist and turn the tide - it won´t change the fact that summer is over. And that causes dissatisfaction among many people. Because with the falling temperatures and the approaching fog, some people´s good mood vanishes into thin air. They complain about the dwindling daylight, the dull weather or mourn warm summer evenings. It is not uncommon for fatigue to set in and the immune system has its hands full. And suddenly you slip into an autumn depression. But that need not be. Because if you keep a few things in mind, you'll get through this season excellently.

That's exactly why we've collected tips against the autumn blues:

Stay active: It doesn't sound easy given the often wet and cold autumn weather, but exercise is everything. Because sport puts you in a good mood. Even if you'd rather hide inside in the fall, now it's time to grit your teeth and go outside. The body releases the happiness hormones dopamine, serotonin and endorphin. You also balance your vitamin D levels. Sport isn't your thing at all? Then try to incorporate at least small activities into your everyday life: go shopping on foot, go for a ride on your bike in the evening or move your yoga session to the balcony. Just 30 minutes outdoors are enough for the body to stimulate hormone production.

Give the body sleep: Movement is one thing, but the body also requires the opposite: relaxation. He longs for rest, especially in the cold season, because our organism produces more melatonin in autumn and winter. And this hormone makes us sleepy. So listen to your inner voice and let nature inspire you: it too is now shifting down a gear. This is also important so that your body can deal with stress well and is armed against viruses and bacteria.

Eat healthy: One of the most important tips against the autumn blues is a healthy diet. This is how you declare war on cravings and get your circulation going. Many people swear by a warm breakfast like porridge, which is spiced up with fruits and spices. Speaking of spices: hot ingredients such as ginger or chili are now particularly in demand. They warm you from the inside, stimulate blood circulation and have an extra portion of vitamin C. Have you ever tried cocoa with chili? Or golden milk with turmeric and ginger? Now is the best time for this. Others rely on St. John's wort, one of the oldest medicinal plants, which can help against listlessness and a clouded mood.

Try contrast showers: Get your body going and stimulate your metabolism - this can also be done excellently with contrast showers. Although the cold sequences in particular take some effort at first, you will see how good this measure is for you. Because the effect is undisputed. This prevents colds, tightens the skin and, in the long term, contrast showers can even contribute to an improved feeling of warmth. Still sounds impossible? Then treat yourself to at least one or two sauna sessions to strengthen your immune system.

Laugh yourself happy: Yes, that's right: laughing is not only healthy because it brings more oxygen into the body, but it also makes you happy. The reason for this is the happiness hormone serotonin, which is increasingly released. By the way: According to studies, you can feel the positive effects of laughter even if you simply turn the corners of your mouth upwards for a few seconds. Nevertheless, the best way to laugh is in company. So invite your friends to game nights in autumn, take a walk with them through the colorful deciduous forest or go to the cinema with them.

Enjoy the golden here and now

Complaining and only seeing the bad - that's easy. But how about you concentrate on the here and now instead and imagine the beautiful sides of autumn? There are quite a few of them. This time of year brings us colorful nature, pleasant temperatures and lots of ripe vegetables. Now is the time for cozy evenings for two, a good book, culinary experiments or a relaxing bubble bath. Now is also the time when our CHICO hammocks and hammock chairs provide golden hours of leisure both outside and inside. Spiced up with a fluffy blanket, you can also enjoy many a warm autumn day in the garden. However, if you prefer to make yourself comfortable indoors, you can set up a hygge corner there. And chill out, watching the bad autumn mood as it quickly disappears.

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