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23. February 2022

An ideal companion: tips for buying a hammock

Relax, read, listen to music, cuddle - the hammock is the perfect place for many things. And once you get used to the soothing rocking movement, you don't want to do without it anymore. But before that happens, the perfect hammock has to be found first.We therefore give you tips for buying a hammock as well as some food for thoughts. We also...
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9. February 2022

The perfect Valentine's Day gift: cuddling hours in the hammock for two people

The morning sun bathes the garden in a golden light and you cuddle up in the hammock outside for the first time this year. Birdsong fills the air.Clouds of steam rise from the full cup in front of you to the sky. It smells like coffee and spring. And back there .... Aren´t they? Yes, the first snowdrops are blooming in delicate white! Enjoyed al...
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26. January 2022

A hammock tells stories from the life of a durable hammock

Hammocks are full of stories. Especially when it comes to robust and durable hammocks that accompany us for a large part of our lives. Your want to hear examples? Gladly, because today we´ll let the hammock tell the story for itself. Yes, that´s right, we asked one of our unique pices, one of our hammocks, all of which have a long service life. ...
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22. December 2021

Fall asleep gently & dream well protected: Where babies sleep best

A child changes everything. Mealtimes, sleeping habits or the interacion as a couple. Suddenly there is someone who creates a whole new feeling in the heart. A feeling of love, connection and warmth. And suddenly there is someone who, with his laughter and crying - yes, with his whole being - fills a home with new life. Of course, parents want t...
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10. November 2021

Why sleep is so healthy & you should swap the hammock for the bed more often

The sun shines in through the window. A new dey begins. But somehow the body does't want to get going. Instead, we feel weak and lacking in energie. This is the case for many in Austria, because according to a study, 8% of Austrians suffer from chronic insomnia. But even all thosewho mostly sleep go through phases at some point in their live...
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13. October 2021

Winterizing your garden: Checklist for winterizing

An oasis of calm to enjoy the first rays of sun in spring. A shady spot to escape the heat in summer. A cozy place to enjoy the glowing leaves in autumn. And a refuge to enjoy the silence of the snow in winter. Every season has its own special charm in your garden and gardens have long been much more than just an extention of the living room. Fr...
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bertls basar

lambacherstrasse, 20, 4680 haag am hausruck, Österreich

069910340819, Fax: +43 7732 3860

bertlsbasar@aon.at, http://www.bertlsbasar.com/

Business hours
Mo -Fr 13.30 - 18.00 Uhr
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Biomarkt Helga´s Hollerbusch

Landstraße 5, 3910 Zwettl/NÖ., Österreich

+43 2822 53973, Fax: +43 2822 539734

bio@helgashollerbusch.at, https://www.helgashollerbusch.at/page.asp/-/home

Business hours
Mo - Do 8:30 - 13:00 und 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Fr 8:30 - 18:00, Sa 8:30 - 12:30 Uhr
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By Mölle

Koesteeg 9, 7722 RM Dalfsen, Niederlande

+31 529 466965

info@bymolle.com, https://www.bymolle.com/

Business hours
Tue-Fri: 10:00 - 17:30 Sat.: 10:00 - 17:00
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Am Bahndamm 18, 93326 Abensberg, 5

+49 9443 927698, Fax: +49 944 927699

vertrieb@chico-bernhardt.de, https://www.bernhardt-haengematten.de/

Business hours
Mo - Do 9.00 - 17.00 Uhr, Fr 9.00 - 13.00 Uhr
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Der Speicher

Neusiedlzeile 64, 2304 Orth an der Donau, Österreich

+43 2212 2350, Fax: +43 2212 2350 17

info@derspeicher.at, http://www.derspeicher.at/

Business hours
Montag - Donnerstag: 08:30 - 16:30 Uhr Freitag: 08:30 - 13:00 Uhr
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di Bruno Casanova

Via Zara, 8, 39100 Bolzano, Italien

+39 0471 262102, Fax: +39 0471 266022

info@altoadige-shopping.it, https://www.altoadige-shopping.it/

Business hours
Lun-Ven 8:30-12:30 / 14:30-18:00
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Die Nische

Wiener Straße 15, 8680 Mürzzuschlag, Österreich

+43 3852 4149


Business hours
Mo bis Fr: 09:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr und 14:30 Uhr bis 18:00
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Ecker Raumausstattung

Vogelhausgartenstraße 1, 4070 Eferding, Österreich

+43 7272 2383-11

buero@ecker-moebel.at, https://www.ecker-moebel.at/

Business hours
Mo-Do 8:30-12:00 und 14:00-18:00 Uhr, Fr 8:30-12:30 und 13:30-18:00 Uhr, Sa 9:00-12:30 Uhr
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Eine Welt Laden Liezen

Hauptplatz 3, 8940 Liezen, Österreich

+43 3612 30101, Fax: +43 3612 21195


Business hours
Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00, Sa 08:00 -12:00
partial stock, orders possible
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evi - Naturkost

Kremser Landstraße 2, 3100 St. Pölten, Österreich

+43 2742 352092, Fax: +43 2742 3520924

evi@evinaturkost.at, http://www.evinaturkost.eu/

Business hours
MO - FR: 9:00 - 18:00, SA: 9:00 - 13:00
partial stock, orders possible
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EVI - Naturkost HandelsgmbH

Utzstraße 5, 3500 Krems, Österreich

+43 2732 85473, Fax: +43 2732 72931

evikrems@evinaturkost.eu, https://evinaturkost.biodeliver.de/

Business hours
Mo - Fr 09:00 - 18:30, Sa 08:30 - 14:00
partial stock, orders possible
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Ferdinand Ganzenbacher-Waldl

Dr.-Mitterbauerstraße 8, 4663 Laakirchen, Österreich

+43 7613 2649, Fax: +43 7613 5700


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